Taking human sight beyond 20/20 is possible
At the office of Justin Mang, MD
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Cataract Surgery

What are cataracts?

Eye With CataractsMany people suffer from cataracts, or the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, for a while without realizing they are experiencing cataract symptoms. Many cataract patients notice a dullness of colors, and problems driving at night.

The normally clear lens of the eye is what focuses light rays on the retina, allowing images to be translated to the brain. After the lens starts to cloud and impair vision it is impossible to return the lens to the clear state with medications. Cataract surgery will be required especially as the cataract begins to limit the patient’s ability to conduct simple tasks like reading a newspaper, or seeing road signs.

Various factors may increase your chance of getting a cataract,, including UV radiation, or cigarette smoking, but it is believed that if you live long enough everyone will suffer from a cataract.

Cataract Surgery

If you are suffering from cataracts, you will need to undergo cataract surgery in order to remove the cloudy lens from the eye. Once the lens begins to cloud as a cataract forms, there is no medication that will restore the lens to its clear state, and surgery will be required.

During Cataract Surgery

In preparation for the procedure your eye must be properly cleared and dilated. A topical anesthetic will be used on the eye before a small incision is made. An ultrasonic device will then be inserted into this small incision, as it pulverizes and vacuums out the hard yellow proteins that formed the cataract.

After the cataract is removed an intraocular lens will be inserted through the incision to replace your eyes natural lens. This lens implant will stay in place inside your eye, providing you will clear vision after cataract surgery.

After Cataract Surgery

The recovery time from cataract surgery is relatively fast because of the minimally invasive and no stitch procedure used by Dr. Mang. Most cataract patients who chose to receive an intraocular lens implant notice better vision with their new lens within the first day after surgery. In order to receive the proper results it is important that you follow Dr. Mang’s postoperative instructions and avoid any strenuous activity.


Dr. Mang offers the ReSTOR lens implant as a lens option for patients undergoing cataract surgery. Our eyes adjust and focus on objects up close, far away, and in between. Our eyes ability to do this is called accommodation. As we get older, we lose this accommodation and become dependant on reading glasses or bifocals. With premium lens implants we now have the ability to see well at all distances.

It is important to discuss your vision expectations with Dr. Mang so you can select the proper lens implant for you.

The ReSTOR lens is an artificial lens used to replace the natural lens of the eye that is removed during cataract surgery. It is made of a flexible material that allows light to focus on the retina. Patients who choose ReSTOR are able to see images at all distances. The ideal candidate for ReSTOR is a patient that is suffering from presbyopia and cataracts and wants to have better vision at all distances, and wants to reduce or possibly eliminate their dependence on glasses.

Zeiss IOL Maser

Zeiss IOL MaserEach patient has a uniquely shaped eye, so it is important that Dr. Mang determines the best IOL implant for your eye. The Zeiss IOL Maser allows Dr. Mang to take a “fingerprint” or a detailed copy of the features of your eyes. This allows Dr. Mang to select the proper IOL to help you receive 20/20 eyesight after cataract surgery.

Dr. Mang, and NewVision Laser Center was the first in the area to have this technology. It is considered five times more accurate than any other method, and because it does not touch your eye, is more comfortable.